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Welcome to the wiki. More to come soon.

But now:

A brief history of, in all it's incarnations:

A Brave new World first reared it's ugly head late in the year 2003. At the author's best guess, sometime in October. As a forum, it represented many things for many people, a place to talk and mix amongst friends, one to discuss homework and other facets of schooling life, and one to ignite the fires of rebellion against a common foe, plan attack and counter attack and finally bitch when you got caugh. Oh yeah, and bitch about people you didn't like.

As a forum, was quickly accepted into the hearts and minds of many in our year. It completed us, made us whole. It was something we had been lusting after, without ever realising it. And with credentials like these, it was no wonder that's popularity grew exponentially within it's first few months of conception.

This popularity was perhaps, best embodied by the BBQ of 2004, organized nearly entirely through As a bbq, it was ok (the food ranged from raw to charcoal, with very little in between) but it showed our ability to overcome the boundaries imposed by the cliques which our year consists of...

and BBQ.